

Learning Intention: Create and perform a sequence of gymnastics actions.

Success Criteria:
I know I am successful when I can work with a buddy to perform a sequence of gymnastics actions in front of our peers.

Maths Term 3 - Directions

Position and orientation

Give and follow instructions for movement that involve distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

Teacher voice; Well done, Jesslyn, you have a good understanding of directions including half and quarter turns as well as your left and right.

Reading Term 3


Learning Intention:Find and/or remember information in the text I have read to answer questions

Success Criteria: I will have achieved this when I am able to answer questions based on information I have read.

Term 2 Writing

Term 2 Writing

Learning Intention:

I can organise the way I structure my writing so it is easier to read (e.g., a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end).


I know I am successful when I can use words like (and, because, another and also) effectively.

Term 2 Dance

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Reading, Term 2

WALT: find punctuation and say what it is used for.

Teacher comment: Well done Jesslyn, I can see you are sharing a story with Flynn. I saw that together you were able to find the different punctuation, talk about it and read the story. Keep it up!

Buddy Reading with Room 24

As part of our CARE programme we meet with our buddy class, Room 24 as often as possible to share our learning and read with a buddy. In addition to finding out what is happening in other classes across the school, we get to read with and be read to by our buddy. We also enjoy seeing our buddies around the school at break times and in assembly.