

Learning Intention: Create and perform a sequence of gymnastics actions.

Success Criteria:
I know I am successful when I can work with a buddy to perform a sequence of gymnastics actions in front of our peers.

Maths Term 3 - Directions

Position and orientation

Give and follow instructions for movement that involve distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

Teacher voice; Well done, Jesslyn, you have a good understanding of directions including half and quarter turns as well as your left and right.

Reading Term 3


Learning Intention:Find and/or remember information in the text I have read to answer questions

Success Criteria: I will have achieved this when I am able to answer questions based on information I have read.

Term 2 Writing

Term 2 Writing

Learning Intention:

I can organise the way I structure my writing so it is easier to read (e.g., a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end).


I know I am successful when I can use words like (and, because, another and also) effectively.

Term 2 Dance

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Reading, Term 2

WALT: find punctuation and say what it is used for.

Teacher comment: Well done Jesslyn, I can see you are sharing a story with Flynn. I saw that together you were able to find the different punctuation, talk about it and read the story. Keep it up!